The best time to grow the mild weather-loving garlic is spring and autumn. Why now you can grow a potful of garlic in your home with a few simple ingredients and consume it in your kitchen in the most natural form.
If you are ready, we start to explain how to grow garlic at home step by step.
Let's first get acquainted with the ingredients we need to grow garlic.
1 whole garlic (be careful with large teeth)
Clayey soil
20 inches deep pot
How to plant garlic in pots?
If the ingredients are ready, let's explain what you need to do to get garlic in order:
Start by separating the garlic cloves one by one. But do not peel them.
Fill the pot with soil, then dig a 10-centimeter hole in the center of the pot.
Bury the root ends of the garlic in this pit so that the root ends are at the bottom and the areas to sprout are on top.
While doing this, make sure that they are not too deep.
Then place your pot in the sunniest part of the house and start waiting for your garlic to sprout.
Things to do and pay attention to after planting garlic
When it's time to harvest the garlic, very carefully pull the head of the garlic from the soil. Store the garlic that comes out of the ground in a cool place for a week.
After that, you can consume the garlics you planted and collected with peace of mind. Bon Appetit!
How long does garlic take to grow•••
COPD manifests itself with symptoms such as cough, sputum production, shortness of breath, wheezing, difficulty in breathing. Genetic and environmental factors increase the risk of contracting this disease. Among the most important risk factors are tobacco use and air pollution. It is known that the rate of getting the disease of smokers compared to non-smokers is 20 percent. This disease is quite common, seen in about 3 million people in Turkey. Defeating COPD, a preventable and curable disease, requires a healthy diet and ending harmful habits. Healing natural foods, which are in everyone's home, come to the aid of patients in fighting COPD. Experts list these plants as follows ...
Ginger: It ends the functional disorders that occur in the body. It makes lung functions healthy as before. He ends his complaints of shortness of breath.
Garlic: It relieves body aches and swelling in the chest. It provides relief of the mucosa that continues throughout the disease.
Black pepper: It accelerates blood circulation and gives heat to the body. When used with honey, it softens the breast.
Black Tea: It increases the body's immune system. It relaxes the respiratory tract. Drinking at least 3 cups of black tea ends the problem of shortness of breath.
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