Herbal solutions that are good for shortness of breath
Bronchitis, Asthma, pneumonia, heart conditions and COPD cause shortness of breath. What are the symptoms of shortness of breath? Shortness of breath after sports can be considered normal. However, if breathing is difficult even after resting, this may be a symptom of shortness of breath. How is shortness of breath treated? For the treatment of shortness of breath, the cause of the discomfort should be determined first. For this, ECG, physical examination and various tests may be required.
What are the causes of shortness of breath?
Lung or respiratory disorders
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Heart conditions
Heart attack
Heart failure
Heart rhythm
Panic attacks and anxiety
In which situations does shortness of breath pose a risk?
Shortness of breath while at rest
Shortness of breath after activity and exercise
Shortness of breath when lying down
Shortness of breath caused by various triggers such as allergens
Shortness of breath with chest pain
Inability to breathe with jaw, arm, or neck pain
Shortness of breath with swelling in the feet and wrists
Unintentional weight loss, loss of appetite or shortness of breath with weight gain
Shortness of breath with an unusual feeling of weakness
Shortness of breath with sweating
Shortness of breath with fever
Whistling or wheezing-like noises while breathing and shortness of breath
Persistent cough as well as shortness of breath
Shortness of breath with dizziness, feeling faint
Herbal solutions that are good for shortness of breath
Goat Horn
Wash 6-7 medium-sized carob with cold water. Then it is broken into half a liter of boiling water and thrown into small pieces. After boiling for 7-8 minutes, the water is drained and transferred to a jar. This carob cure prepared should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 3 days. 1 tea glass should be eaten every day at breakfast and before dinner. This cure should be applied for 20 days without a break. After 20 days, another 15-day cure should be done without a break. While applying the 15-day cure, you can add a small teaspoon of honey in a tea glass and consume it.
Warning: Since goat horn contains intense minerals, it can adversely affect diabetes, blood pressure and similar diseases.
Grate 4-5 carrots and squeeze the juice, add half a glass of boiled milk and a teaspoon of honey and drink it 3 times a day.
Lavender, hibiscus, yarrow cure
A spoonful of cameltoe leaves, lavender flowers, hibiscus flowers and yarrow are pulled in the robot and cooked in 1 cup of boiling water. This mixture should be drunk twice a day.
Cough Grass
2 handfuls of coltsfoot are boiled in water. When it starts to boil, a towel is covered over the head and the steam is inhaled. In addition, boiling a teaspoon of mustard seeds every morning makes breathing easier.
It is boiled by adding 1 garlic, 1 tablespoon lavender, poppy flowers, thyme, parsley, mint and dill into 1.5 liters of water and drink 1 cup every morning on an empty stomach.
Wolf Claw
One teaspoon of wolf's claw is added to a cup of boiling water and strained before breakfast.
Cloves, anise, flax seeds
Half a tea glass of nettle seeds, flax seeds, anise seeds are mixed with powdered cloves and honey is added to make a paste. 1 spoon is eaten in the morning for two days.
Lemon and honey
Organic honey is mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice and added to a glass of hot water and eaten regularly. This mixture is consumed 3-4 times a day. Those who have shortness of breath benefit greatly from this mixture.
Regularly drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day. It is recommended to be consumed without milk and sugar.
Honey and black pepper
Mix 1-2 teaspoons of black pepper with honey and make a paste. The resulting mixture is consumed 3-4 times a day.
Fresh ginger root is peeled and cut into pieces and added to a cup of hot water. After brewing for a few minutes, it is filtered and drunk as a tea. It is recommended to consume up to 2 glasses a day.
Licorice root
Half a teaspoon of licorice root is added to a glass of hot water. After brewing, it is filtered and consumed as a tea.
Milk and saffron
A small amount of saffron is mixed with a cup of milk and heated. Then, a little lemon juice and honey are added to this mixture and drunk. This mixture should be consumed regularly several times a day.
Add water and olive oil to a tablespoon of dry mustard and turn it into a dough. This paste is used to massage the chest area.
Some fennel seeds can be added to the water and consumed regularly.
What should be done to relieve shortness of breath?
Dairy products, salt, sugar, fatty products and fried foods that increase sputum production should not be consumed.
Spicy foods, citrus fruits, garlic, pepper and ginger should be consumed to dissolve the accumulated mucus.
Fluid consumption should be increased
Ginger, chamomile, rosemary. A little honey should be added to teas such as mint or ginseng.
Exercise should be done regularly
Smoking should definitely be quit
Alcohol consumption should be stopped
Regular sleep and a balanced diet
Avoid dirty air environment
Medication should not be used without doctor's advice
If you follow our articles on shortness of breath, we will explain much more information, follow our articles about herbal treatment methods....
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