Herbal solutions that are good for shortness of breath Bronchitis, Asthma, pneumonia, heart conditions and COPD cause shortness of breath. What are the symptoms of shortness of breath? Shortness of breath after sports can be considered normal. However, if breathing is difficult even after resting, this may be a symptom of shortness of breath. How is shortness of breath treated? For the treatment of shortness of breath, the cause of the discomfort should be determined first. For this, ECG, physical examination and various tests may be required. What are the causes of shortness of breath? Lung or respiratory disorders Asthma Bronchitis Pneumonia COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Heart conditions Heart attack Heart failure Heart rhythm Panic attacks and anxiety In which situations does shortness of breath pose a risk? Shortness of breath while at rest Shortness...