Garlic, whose homeland is Asia, is one of the oldest cultivated plants grown just like onions.  Claiming this kind of benefits both in terms of flavor it adds to dishes and its proven health benefits, garlic is grown in almost every corner of the world today.  Moreover, it is recommended to be consumed regularly by the World Health Organization (WHO).


Let's get to know some garlic first ...

 Garlic originally belongs to the lily family.

 Even in Evliya Çelebi's Travelogue, there is information about garlic.

 Garlic can be grown almost everywhere in our country, except for the Black Sea coastal region, which receives a lot of rain.

 However, garlic mostly likes the regions where the sea climate changes to the continental climate.

 It is divided into two as white garlic and black garlic according to the shell color.

 It is known by names such as Edirne, Çorum, Kastamonu garlic depending on where it is grown.

 Garlic is produced with teeth only.

 Garlic is harvested when its leaves begin to dry thoroughly.

 Garlic can be preserved for a very long time.

The World Health Organization recommends that adults consume garlic daily in certain amounts as a health supplement.

 So, what are the benefits of garlic, which entered the WHO literature as a natural antibiotic and antioxidant?

 Garlic is an antiseptic.

 It is expressed to have an immune system strengthening effect.

 It is stated to lower cholesterol.

 It is said to be beneficial against cardiovascular diseases.

However, it is worth noting that besides all these, it is also worth mentioning: The United States National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) states that many studies on garlic are not of sufficient quality and validity.  For example, it is stated that there is conflicting evidence as to whether garlic actually lowers blood cholesterol levels, and the current evidence that it may be beneficial against high blood pressure is weak.  More importantly, it is stated that the results obtained from epidemiological and clinical studies on the anti-cancer effect of garlic are ambiguous and contradictory.

 Likewise, Usa In the statement made by the General Directorate of Public Health of the Ministry of Health: "Although the studies on garlic are promising, it should not be forgotten that most of these studies are preclinical studies and more clinical studies are needed to make a definite conclusion."  The statement is included.  In short, this institution states that the results obtained from epidemiological and clinical studies are ambiguous and contradictory.

As in the rest of the world, practices defined as traditional, alternative, complementary medicine have increased considerably in our country after the 1990s.  The value of a healthy and natural diet and a balanced consumption of the nutrients our body needs is invaluable.  But keep in mind that avoiding traditional methods of treatment or delaying science-based methods by considering any nutrient as therapeutic can have negative health effects!

Benefits of Garlic

 Garlic, which is one of the natural foods that helps to protect the body against many diseases;  It has many benefits in many areas such as protection of hair and nail health, protection from cancer, protection of sexual health, weight control, protection against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.  In order to benefit from these benefits, it is recommended to be preferred in cooked meals and to consume teas as well as to be consumed fresh in order to prevent vitamin loss.  Some of the health benefits of garlic, which can also be defined as a miracle food, are:

 Benefits of Garlic for Hair

 Garlic, which is one of the bulbous plant species, has many benefits for hair.  With its rich vitamin and mineral content, it helps strengthen the hair and have a brighter and more vibrant appearance.  In addition, it is very effective on preventing hair loss due to reasons such as accelerating blood circulation and strengthening hair follicles.  In addition to being consumed fresh or with meals, garlic is also very suitable for caring for hair.  Many people may not like the idea of ​​conditioning hair with garlic because of its scent.  However, garlic, which has important effects on reducing these complaints, especially in people with worn hair or hair loss problems, will not leave an odor in the hair after shampooing the hair a few times after care.  The calcium, sulfur, vitamin E, selenium, B group vitamins and vitamin C found in garlic are effective on maintaining the moisture balance in hair, preventing hair loss by breaking off, strengthening the hair structurally and reducing scalp problems such as dandruff.  In order to achieve all these positive effects, you can care for 10-15 minutes by keeping a mixture prepared by mixing pounded garlic and healthy oils such as olive oil and argan oil once or twice a week.

 The Benefits of Garlic for Sexuality

 Vitamin E has very important effects on the regular secretion of sex hormones and protection of sexual health.  Thanks to the abundant vitamin E in garlic, the balance of sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone is preserved in women, and the ovulation pattern continues in a healthy way.  Thanks to the acceleration of blood circulation, the amount of blood reaching the genitals increases and sexual power is increased in men who regularly consume garlic.  In addition, since the sperm count and quality are increased, it is recommended that couples planning a baby regularly consume garlic.  It is also beneficial for couples who plan to have a baby with methods such as in vitro fertilization and vaccination to pay attention to garlic consumption.

 Benefits of Garlic for Weight Loss

 Another of the positive effects of garlic on health is that it helps to control appetite and achieve a feeling of satiety.  At the same time, garlic, which accelerates fat burning, is one of the foods that individuals who follow a slimming diet should consume regularly.  It can be consumed freshly once a day or it can be preferred in the form of garlic tea.  It also helps prevent problems such as constipation and bloating, as it supports the regular functioning of the digestive system.  In addition to all these positive effects, the calorie content of garlic is very low.  100 grams contain only 149 kilos of energy.  Therefore, it can be said that a serving of garlic you can consume during the day will amount to approximately 15 calories.  Therefore, providing positive effects without adding calories to the body is a very valuable feature especially for individuals who want to lose weight.  However, if you have any stomach disease, you should be careful not to consume garlic on an empty stomach.  If you have such a disease, you can consult your doctor about whether there is any harm in consuming garlic.  Those who want to consume garlic in the form of tea but are uncomfortable with its smell can add healthy food alternatives such as ginger and lemon into the tea they prepare to have a more pleasant scent.

 Cancer Benefits of Garlic

 The most important role in protecting cells against cancer belongs to antioxidants taken with food.  C and E vitamins and selenium minerals, which are among the most important antioxidants, are abundant in garlic.  Vitamin C, which is a sensitive vitamin type, loses its effect if it comes into contact with metal.  For this reason, freshly consumed garlic should not be cut with a metal knife and should not be contacted with metal products.  At the same time, because it contains sulfuric components, garlic is a very powerful antioxidant.  It is suggested with scientific research that consuming garlic regularly provides protection against brain tumors, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer and thyroid cancer.  Garlic, which has high antioxidant content in existing cancer patients, contributes to increasing the success of the treatment and preventing the healthy cells from being adversely affected by the treatment.  For this reason, all individuals who struggle with cancer and want to be protected from cancer should consume garlic regularly.

 Benefits of Garlic for Chronic Diseases

 Garlic, which does not end with counting benefits in terms of health, is also a miracle food for protection from chronic diseases.  Garlic, which helps to increase the level of the hormone called Adinopectin in the blood, helps balance blood sugar and protects against Type 2 diabetes, while also helping to regulate glucose in diabetes patients.  It has positive effects on reducing insulin resistance.  By helping to keep blood sugar at desired levels, it helps prevent the common complications of diabetes such as neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy.  Garlic, which prevents the formation of atheroma plaques on the vessel walls, provides protection against heart attack and all other cardiovascular diseases.  Another benefit in this area is that it contributes to lowering total cholesterol levels in the blood.  Therefore, you can take precautions against chronic diseases by consuming at least one fresh tooth a day, which is among the heart-friendly foods.

In addition to all its positive effects, garlic acts as a shield against microbiological agents such as bacteria, viruses and fungi;  Helps prevent and cure infectious diseases quickly.  Therefore, you can include plenty of garlic in your meals in order to protect against all kinds of diseases from cold and flu to urinary tract infections and athlete's foot and to help heal these diseases, and in addition, you can take care of fresh garlic consumption.  If you do not have a health problem that will prevent you from consuming garlic, you can protect your health by making it a part of your diet plan and take precautions against many diseases you may encounter in the future.


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