NATURAL ANTİBİOTİC GARLİC Garlic, whose homeland is Asia, is one of the oldest cultivated plants grown just like onions. Claiming this kind of benefits both in terms of flavor it adds to dishes and its proven health benefits, garlic is grown in almost every corner of the world today. Moreover, it is recommended to be consumed regularly by the World Health Organization (WHO). Let's get to know some garlic first ... Garlic originally belongs to the lily family. Even in Evliya Çelebi's Travelogue, there is information about garlic. Garlic can be grown almost everywhere in our country, except for the Black Sea coastal region, which receives a lot of rain. However, garlic mostly likes the regions where the sea climate changes to the continental climate. It is divided into two as white garlic and black garlic according to the shell color. It is known by names such as Edirne, Çorum, Kastamonu garlic dependi...