Natural Methods and Food Supplements That Are Good for Flu

Flu, which manifests itself in cold weather and is an extremely contagious disease, can be treated with natural methods.  Thanks to the mixtures you will prepare in your home in a short time, it is possible to shorten the disease process that lasts an average of two weeks.  The cold caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract has symptoms such as runny nose, coughing, sneezing and sore throat.  In addition to resting with natural and herbal methods and avoiding crowded environments, it provides convenience for you in the treatment of flu.

1.Mint lemon tea helps relieve sore throat and runny nose.

2.Ginger tea, which helps to remove viruses from the body through sweating, is also used to relieve headache.

3. Garlic, which is a natural antiseptic reservoir, can be consumed by adding it to tea or adding it to soup after being pounded.

4. You can overcome the common cold by adding a teaspoon of turmeric to warm milk.

5. You can consume linden, sage and thyme tea to relieve throat irritation and strengthen your immune system by fighting germs in your body.

6. Rosehip, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, etc.  Vegetables increase body resistance with plenty of vitamin C

7. You can put a few pieces of cinnamon stick into boiling water and let it sit for a while and then drink your water.

8.You can use clove, which has pain relieving properties, by drinking it in your tea or by gargling.

9.You can get a natural antibiotic by pouring some honey in green tea and adding a few drops of lemon

10. Freshly squeezed tangerine or orange juice is rich in vitamin C and helps the treatment process.

11. If you consume sage and echinacea by blending them together, you will fight the viruses with a natural mixture that is stronger than the local antiseptic drugs used for your throat.

12. If you drink chamomile tea, which fights infections and has the ability to relieve pain, especially at nights when you cannot sleep due to sore throat, you will have a comfortable sleep.

13. You can get rid of your sore throat by adding cinnamon to the almond milk you prepare at your home.

14. In addition to the sprays sold in pharmacies, you can make a saline nasal douche.

15. If you fill the hot water into the bathtub and drip oil from herbs such as thyme, eucalyptus and menthol, you will start breathing easier.

16. This herbal solution, called aromatherapy oils, goes through melting the oils in wax to form a mist.

17. Take care to consume foods rich in zinc.

18. Elderberry tea can reduce the duration of cold in half due to its antiseptic properties.

19. Mix lavender oil, lemon balm, and valerian for headache relief.

20. Nettle tea relieves the person by reducing the inflammation and phlegm in the throat.

21.You can consume 1 cup of valerian tea a day instead of using sleeping pills, as the best treatment method against cold is sleeping.     

                                                                                          22.Eucalyptus oil reduces pain by clearing infections in the chest and throat area.

When to see a doctor will be learned.  In some cases, the doctor will tell you about these well-described treatments.  However, if you have severe cold or flu symptoms, or have had a breathing disorder before, you should seek immediate medical attention.  Anyone, see a doctor

  High fever (above 38.9 ° C)

  Ear or nose inflammation

  Green, brown, or bloody nasal discharge

  Cough with green sputum

  Cough that doesn't go away

  Skin rash


Flu?  Is it a coronavirus?

How Can Flu Be Differentiated From Coronavirus?

 First of all, COVID-19 and flu (influenza) viruses cause similar diseases.  That is, both of them cause respiratory illness that emerges as a wide range of illnesses ranging from low-symptom illness to mild, moderate or severe illnesses and even loss of life.

 The most common symptoms in both diseases are sore throat, tingling in the throat, dry cough, muscle and joint pain, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

 The transmission routes of the two viruses are also similar.  Commonly, they are transmitted through contact, droplets and surfaces.

 As for their differences, the rate of transmission is an important point of difference between the two viruses.  The flu has a shorter incubation period and a shorter serial interval (time between successive cases) than the COVID-19 virus.  The incubation period for influenza is 2-4 days.  The serial interval for the COVID-19 virus is estimated at 5-6 days, while the serial interval for the flu virus is 3 days.  This means that the flu can spread faster than COVID-19.

 In addition, while the spread of the virus is the main transmission factor in the first 3-5 days of the illness before symptoms appear, it is thought that the transmission of the COVID-19 virus is 24-48 hours before the symptom begins.

 Children are very important driving forces in the transmission of the flu virus in society.  Initial data for the COVID-19 virus show that children are less affected than adults, and clinical disease rates in the 0-19 age group are low.  Preliminary data from domestic transmission studies in China show that children are more likely to be infected by adults.  The susceptible age group is different in the two viruses.

Nasıl Data to date for COVID-19 show that 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, with severe infections requiring oxygen, and 5% are critical infections requiring respiratory support.  These severe and critical infection rates are higher than those seen in influenza infection.

 Those most at risk for severe influenza infection are children, pregnant women, the elderly, those with chronic illnesses and those who are immunocompromised.  Our current knowledge for COVID-19 is;  older age, those with underlying diseases (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes) and healthcare workers.

 The death rate for COVID-19 appears to be higher than the flu, especially seasonal flu.  While it will take some time to fully understand the actual loss of life rate of COVID-19, our data so far shows that the crude loss of life rate is between 3-4%.

 As a result, there are no very important clinical symptoms to distinguish between influenza and Covid-19, and it is not easy to distinguish between patients admitted to hospital by questioning and examination.  In Covid-19, unlike flu, loss of taste and smell and severe shortness of breath in patients with pneumonia are defined as the difference, but it is difficult to make a differential diagnosis in this way.

 While the patient who presented with the common symptoms described above in the winter months before 2020 can be diagnosed with flu without testing, it will be necessary to make a diagnosis in the next winter 2020/2021.  Because viral tests will be needed from swab samples taken from the nose to distinguish the two diseases.  The main reason we distinguish between the two diseases is that it is an effective treatment for influenza.  Covid-19 disease still has no effective, approved treatment and licensed vaccine.

 It is estimated that we will see many similar cases in the coming winter that will confuse the two diseases and will have difficulty separating them, but there is also concern that there will be cases that will pass the two diseases together.  Therefore, vaccination of risk groups against influenza, which is a very effective vaccine, will comfort both patients and healthcare 


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