Since adolescence, we have concrete pimples, especially built on our face ... Acne, malnutrition, harmful habits and stress are expected to pass because the other comes from being under stress. So how do acne pass? Here are natural treatment methods that dry acne in a short time .. Acne is a skin problem caused by the inability of body oils to come out naturally. With excessively oily skin, black spots begin to form on the face, tightening these black spots or trying to treat them with unprofessional methods causes acne formation. The main reason for acne, which is mostly seen in adolescents and does not go away in the long term, is excessive hormone secretion. Whatever the pimples appear, they should not be bored or played, otherwise they may cause scars on the skin. Acne that occurs spontaneously, does not heal and even increases on the face are actually the signals given by the body. It should be treated in consultation with a specialis...