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      AGE AND WEIGHT INDEX ••   Excess weight problem also brings about diseases.  This daily imaginary problem then turns into a serious problem.  One of the biggest helpers in determining the weight goal of people is the ideal weight calculation tool.  How is the ideal weight calculated?  You can read the topic in our article.   Obesity problem is getting more and more common nowadays.  It has been one of many fearful dreams, grown and developing.  Weight control continues to be on the agenda on quality of life and overall health.  The feeling of movement and comfort caused by excessive pounds puts the builders in trouble.  People look for ideal weight calculation methods to find out if they have the right weight for them.   What Does Ideal Weight Mean?   Having weight and height or zero values ​​is ideal weight comes electric.  The ideal weight ratio varies according to age and gender.  There are man...


DIET RECOMMENDATIONS•••   Diet Considerations   It is not true that drinking hot water speeds up metabolism and loses excess weight.  However, when the intestines are less working, you can drink warm water with 2-3 dried apricots in the morning.   It is also wrong to think that if you drink lemon in hot water in the morning, you will lose weight.   It is wrong to believe that if water is drunk between meals, weight loss stops.   It is wrong to believe what slimming creams make you lose weight.   It is wrong to believe that teas that make some laxative (bowel relaxant) or diuretic effect (diuretic) under the name of some laxative slimming teas are weight loss.  Such tea or medicines should only be given and followed up by a doctor's control.  Otherwise, laxatives can cause irreparable intestinal diseases;  On the other hand, diuretics can cause low blood pressure and muscle cramps at night.   It is wrong to drink less water while los...


 Effective Solutions That Weaken Home Facilities  Being one of the most important health problems in the world, obesity is a disease that needs to be treated.  The most effective treatment of obesity is a healthy nutrition program and physical activity that supports this program.  Nutritional programs prepared for the treatment of obesity differ according to the age, height, weight, chronic disease and lifestyle of the person.  Another factor that helps diet programs is natural slimming cures that accelerate metabolism and increase water consumption. 1) Slimming Cures İbrahim Saraçoğlu - Cabbage Cure  One of the first names that come to mind when it comes to herbal cures, Saracoglu's shock slimming cures such as onion cure, cabbage cure, parsley, lemon, garlic cure and yogurt cure have been tried by many people and resulted with success.  Materials:  4-5 cabbage leaves  3 glasses of drinking water  Preparation of:  For Saraçoğlu's w...