DIET RECOMMENDATIONS••• Diet Considerations It is not true that drinking hot water speeds up metabolism and loses excess weight. However, when the intestines are less working, you can drink warm water with 2-3 dried apricots in the morning. It is also wrong to think that if you drink lemon in hot water in the morning, you will lose weight. It is wrong to believe that if water is drunk between meals, weight loss stops. It is wrong to believe what slimming creams make you lose weight. It is wrong to believe that teas that make some laxative (bowel relaxant) or diuretic effect (diuretic) under the name of some laxative slimming teas are weight loss. Such tea or medicines should only be given and followed up by a doctor's control. Otherwise, laxatives can cause irreparable intestinal diseases; On the other hand, diuretics can cause low blood pressure and muscle cramps at night. It is wrong to drink less water while los...