Since yogurt is a source of calcium and protein, everyone should consume it regularly. It is recommended to consume homemade yogurt, as it contributes to bone development, especially for children in the growing age. Yogurt, which is rich in nutritional value compared to many foods, largely meets the daily vitamin and mineral needs. Here are the health benefits and nutritional values of yogurt. Yogurt has important benefits for human health when it is obtained and consumed naturally. Since yoghurt is consumed more naturally in Turkish cuisine culture, its benefits are benefited a lot. Yogurt, which should be consumed regularly by everyone from big to young, is especially recommended for developing children. Yogurt, which is very useful for the bones and muscular system of children, should be consumed at least 5-6 tablespoons a day. Vitamins and minerals in yogurt have numerous benefits to the bone, muscle, teeth and nervous system. ...